eBook Activities
Knowsys Vocabulary Activities eBook
Interactive Activities for Mastery
“Students are going to LOVE this! Teachers are going to LOVE this!
For those students, teachers, schools, and districts with iPads, this iBook is going to change how students think about learning vocabulary! ”
These levels are available:
Interactive and Engaging
Immediate feedback
Extra practice
Rigorous activities that combine analogies, synonyms, antonyms, oddball identifications, scenarios, true/false, SAT-style sentence completions, and narratives
Fun and Portable
Designed for the iPad
Use in class
Use at home
Follows the groups of The Knowsys Vocabulary Builder Program
Provides new questions and activities
Screen shots of the Vocab Activities eBook
Want to try it out?
While on your iPad, click on one of the eBook links above.
Either download the sample chapter to preview or buy the book.
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Looking for a Volume Discount?
If you are looking to purchase a minimum of 20 copies of each title, we recommend you use the Apple Volume Purchasing Program.
The volume discount reduces the price by 50% per copy from $9.99 to $4.99.