Middle School

The Knowsys middle school college readiness curriculum

The Knowsys Middle School College Readiness Course is designed as an enrichment program.

The course covers SAT (ACT and PSAT) math and verbal content:

  • Math concepts appropriate for rising 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th graders

  • SAT vocabulary

  • SAT reading comprehension passages and questions

  • SAT grammar passages and questions 

The Course Integrates College Exploration:

  • PBL (project-based learning)

  • Students work in teams to explore various colleges and universities, majors, etc (depending on level).

  • See the descriptions (below) for the specifics of the College Exploration project for each level.

  • Students present their findings to the class.

Course Details:

  • Designed for Advanced Students (rising 6th - 9th graders):

  • The course provides enrichment and extension to advanced students in the district (e.g., those in the Gifted program, those taking advanced classes, those who participated in the Baylor Talent Identification Program and/or took the SAT, ACT, CRA, or IAR exam as an above-level test).

  • The course provides an advanced academic opportunity within the district.

  • The 4different levels contain different content (see descriptions below) so students can participate in all four levels for four consecutive summers and enjoy distinct material and challenges.

Content Overview of All 4 Levels

Yellow Level

College Readiness Math and Verbal plus an exploration of different college majors. The Yellow Level is designed for rising 6th graders.

  • Math: Pre-Algebra (rates, ratios, percents, probability, fractions, and decimals), Statistics (averages, median, mode, and range), and Graphs (box plot essentials)

  • Verbal: Each level contains SAT vocabulary and mastery-level activities, SAT- and ACT-style passages and questions for reading and grammar. Reading comprehension techniques and grammar concepts are interwoven throughout the passages, and concepts are taught within the context of the passages.

  • College Exploration: Students discuss majors, minors, and specializations, and then explore one major in depth, creating a presentation that explores annual salaries, projected growth rate of the field, available specializations, top universities, and employment prospects.

Red Level

College Readiness Math and Verbal plus an exploration of different factors to consider when looking for a good college “fit.”

  • Math: Pre-Algebra (percents and ratios), Algebra (linear equations), Statistics (averages), and Geometry (lines and angles, triangles, and circles)

  • Verbal: SAT Vocabulary and mastery-level activities, SAT-style reading and grammar passages, with reading comprehension techniques and grammar concepts interwoven throughout passages

  • College Exploration: Students work in teams exploring universities throughout the U.S. and weighing factors such as size, location, extracurricular activities, study abroad programs, and more

Green Level

College Readiness Math and Verbal plus an exploration of different factors to consider when selecting a college major.

  • Math: Pre-Algebra (integers, digits, prime numbers, factors, multiples, remainders, patterns, rates, and ratios), Algebra (linear equations - interpreting, rearranging, and solving), Statistics (median, mode, range, and standard deviation), and Geometry (quadrilaterals)

  • Verbal: SAT Vocabulary and mastery-level activities, SAT-style reading and grammar passages, with reading comprehension techniques and grammar concepts interwoven throughout passages

  • College Exploration: Students explore a variety of college majors, including typical college courses associated with those majors, recommended high school courses to prepare for those majors, associated careers paths, and universities that offer those majors

Blue Level

College Readiness Math and Verbal plus create a college readiness “Road Map” using tools from EducationPlanner.org.

  • Math: Pre-Algebra (fractions, probability, and direct proportionality), Algebra (linear equations and inequalities - setting up and solving), Statistics (data collection), and Geometry (solids and multiple figures)

  • Verbal: SAT Vocabulary and mastery-level activities, SAT-style reading and grammar passages, with reading comprehension techniques and grammar concepts interwoven throughout passages

  • College Exploration: Students will use EducationPlanner.org, take a survey of their own interests, personality, and skills, and explore the related careers and educational paths suggested for them.

Middle School College Readiness Curriculum Overview

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